Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox
Dr. Reznik will share with his listeners concrete, practical tools he has acquired over a period of forty-three years of his practice as a heath professional. The tools range from the Will Integration Training to Dreamwork, from Mental Imagery for Healing and Health Maintenance to Developing Intuition, from Mastering One’s Character to The Science and Art of Face Reading. Some of the shows will offer the audience to participate in experiential exercises, such as working on the caller’s night dreams or taking those interested on the healing journeys, while other shows will be reserved for interviewing outstanding specialists in the healing arts.
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 10.25.22
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
This hour, Dr. Reznik takes calls from his listeners. They discuss such issues as racism, political correctness, and gender fluidity, and more. Dr. Reznik also takes time to address the issue of nail-biting.
To learn more about Dr. Reznik, his work, and his online books and courses, check out https://www.drpeterreznik.com
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 10.11.22
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
During this hour, Dr. Reznik introduced his Dr. Peter Reznik’s Emergency Kit (see below), and addresseed a few issues
presented by the callers..
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Emergency Kit.
When not feeling well emotionally.
To the best of your ability describe your experience, in writing. Not the definition or your intellectual understanding of what is happening to you, but every single pain, anxiety, fear, disappointment, regret, remorse, grief, loss that you experience mentally, emotionally and physically.
Recognize that all those above are also parts of you. They are not your enemies, they are parts that are trying to protect you or help you in any way they can, in any way they know. But their skills may be quite limited and /or outdated.
No matter how bad you feel, recognize that there is a part of you, that is willing and interested in getting well. Connect with that part in any way you can, and thank it for being there for you.
Write down the context (physical location, your mental, physical and emotional state, your moral and/or spiritual beliefs) within whichnot feeling well started.
Write down all your strengths and positive qualities. If you have difficulties recalling your strengths, your usefulness, goodness, place in a community or any other positive quality, ask people whose honesty you do not doubtto write to you the good things they know about you.
Recognize, which challenges of the ones you are facing, you have experienced in the past, and then felt better. What helped you to get better?
Write down every single blessing in your life. Appreciate your physical health (if you are physically healthy), mental stability (if that’s how you feel), having children, having your parents, having shelter, food, water… Imagine, one-by-one NOT having those in your life. Choose gratitude.
Remember one (preferably more than one) experience or state of being happy and fulfilled or simply feeling good. Remember the posture you were in, and assume the posture. Practice of going in and out of the state of feeling good, even if it’s for a short time.
Think of the support system you can have (friends, teacher, therapist). Preferably, people who can hear you out in a loving and non-judgmental way.
Mental Exercise:Close your eyes and imagine that the problem you were dealing with is over. Imagine that you have been well for a month. Think or imagine the possible benefits from having gone through the challenging experience.
Exercise for Reducing Anxiety: Close your eyes and mentally scan your body. Identify where in your body you experience anxiety. Identify, on a scale from 1-10 how great the anxiety is. Keep that number in your mind as you breathe out slowly. Then breathe in normally. Keep breathing OUT-slowly, breathing IN-normally. Breathing out twice as slow as breathing in. Watch the number in your mind going down. When the number is 5 or less, open your eyes. Go to the bathroom and wash your face with cold water. Do this whole exercise as often as the anxiety comes.
Exercise for Depression: Close your eyes, and think or imagine heavy clouds above your head. See and feel them pressing down on you. Take a golden bow and a golden arrow. Shoot the arrow into the clouds and see them clouds burst into torrential rain. Feel it washing all your sadness away. Now, the rain stops and a rainbow appears. Run to the rainbow and swallow it. Feel the many colors fill in your whole body. It is filled with many colors, which begin to emanate through the pores of your skin into the world. Then, open your eyes.
Give yourself one day (out of a week) break from all your troubles (if you can’t do it for a whole day, do it for 6 hours, or three hours) . If the negative thoughts come to your mind, say to yourself, “I am on a break for this … hours, I will think about it when the break is over.”
DO NOT compare yourself to others. Your story is unique.
Think of you having three faces. One face is external. It is the character traits and behavior that you show to the world. The second face is what only you know; the good, the bad and the ugly. The third face is deep inside. It is when you are at your very best. Think of how you will be working on manifesting your very best more and more often.
For more on Dr. Reznik, his work, and his online books and courses,
click here: https://www.drpeterreznik.com
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 10.04.22
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
During this hour, Dr. Reznik introduced his Dr. Peter Reznik’s Emergency Kit- a series of
step-by-step exercises for addressing any mental and/or emotional challenges people may experience.
For more on Dr. Reznik, his work, and his online books and courses,
click here: https://www.drpeterreznik.com
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 09.20.22
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
During this hour, Dr. Reznik completes his discussion of Gossip. He talks about the affects gossip has on the community as well as on the gossiper him/herself. He provides practical tools for overcoming the temptation to gossip. Dr. Reznik also responds to questions regarding challenging relationships, beginning the first of the talks from the series, “Making Your Relationships Work.”
For more on Dr. Reznik, his work, and his online books and courses,
click here: https://www.drpeterreznik.com
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 09.13.22
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
During this hour, Dr. Reznik continues this discussion of Schizophrenia. He then answers
a question received by a listener regarding love and self-love, and offers concrete tools
for developing both.
During the show, Dr. Reznik also speaks about the challenge of global warming.
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 09.06.22
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
This hour, Dr. Reznik gives his take on our country’s current political climate. He invites his listeners to deal with the rough
waters we find ourselves in and resist giving in to evil forces using an age-old but life-changing tool: communal prayer.
He also responds to questions emailed in to him by listeners, covering topics such as pain treatment and correcting negative
night dreams. Dr. Reznik also begins his discussion of the issue of gossip.
For more on Dr. Reznik, visit:
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 08.30.22
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
This hour, Dr. Reznik gives his take on our country’s current political climate. He invites his listeners to deal with the rough
waters we find ourselves in and resist giving in to evil forces using an age-old but life-changing tool: communal prayer.
He also responds to questions emailed in to him by listeners, covering topics such as pain treatment and correcting negative
night dreams. Dr. Reznik also begins his discussion of the issue of gossip.
For more on Dr. Reznik, visit:
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Dr. Peter Reznik’s Toolbox - 08.23.22
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
During this hour, Dr. Reznik interviews Robert Yoho, MD, a social activist and
author of Butchered by Healthcare. They discuss such subjects as: Global Warming,
Covid 19, Globalization and Food Supply.