During this hour, Dr. Reznik interviews Sarah Bercovitz, an educator, psychologist, and author of Guided Imagery with Children:
Successful Techniques to Improve School Performance and Self-Esteem.
Sarah shares her ideas on making education a successful and enjoyable experience for both teachers and children, while helping
them discover their inner strengths and build confidence. With her technique, Sarah takes listeners through mental exercises as a
demonstration of the use of creative imagination for self-discovery and self-affirmation. Sarah and Dr. Reznik also reminisce about
their studentship with renown teacher, Mme. Collette Aboulker-Muskat.
For Dr. Reznik's website, visit: https://www.drpeterreznik.com
For Sarah's book, visit: https://www.amazon.com/Guided-Imagery-Children-Performance-Self-Esteem/dp/1570252149