During this hour, Dr. Reznik explores fascinating topics related to non-human entities and the spiritual realm. The first part of the show delves into the concept of non-human entities that are occasionally perceived by individuals. Dr. Reznik discusses a 17th-century sage who reportedly used Kabbalistic incantations to bring a humanoid living being into existence. The story inspired Merry Shelli to write her famous story, Frankenstein. In the second part of the show, Dr. Reznik engages the audience in a mental imagery exercise called the "Heavenly Academy." This exercise takes participants on an immersive journey into the spiritual realm, allowing them to explore and experience aspects of the metaphysical world. Through this exercise, Dr. Reznik aims to offer insights into the spiritual realm and provide a deeper understanding of its mysteries.
For more on Dr. Reznik, his work, and his online books and courses, visit: https://www.drpeterreznik.com